Helping Students Succeed
If you are a New Mexico State University student who wants to maximize your learning potential and get better grades, there are several resources that can help you develop the skills you need to excel in college. Please contact your instructor or advisor for information about specific course questions. Your instructor should be your first choice for help with a specific course; however, there are other student services available:
Our Programs and Services

The Engineering Learning Center offers help with tutoring, advice, and a place to talk with an engineering student mentor who knows the ropes. Students can also come check out a study room or use a computer. It is located in Engineering Complex 3 room 300.

The Engineering Technology student lounge, dedicated to Dr. Jeff Beasley, is a space for ET students to relax and study with couches, tables, and computers available to students. It is located in Engineering Complex 3, room 134.

The Student Success Center offers a variety of programs and services that can help you develop the skills needed to exceed in college. This includes:
- Campus Tutoring Service
- Graduate School Preparation
- Learning & Study Skills Workshops
- Mid-Semester and UNIV Courses
- The TRIO Student Support Services Program (SSS)
It is located in Hardman and Jacobs Learning Center room 128. They provide free study skills workshops to the NMSU community.

The Math Success Center (MSC) provides walk-in tutoring for 100- and 200-level mathematics and statistics courses. Our tutors are undergraduate students from a variety of STEM fields and graduate students in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. It is located in Walden Hall, room 101.

The Writing Center offers free one-on-one tutoring for all NMSU students. We work with undergraduate and graduate writers at any level of experience and can help with anything from understanding assignment directions to revising final drafts. It is located in Clara Belle Williams Hall, room 102.

Run an audit for your degree plan by with the STAR (Student Academic Requirements) degree auditing system. This allows you to choose the college/campus, the program, and the catalog year to run an audit, giving you an estimated GPA and a checklist of required courses.